Photo credit: ©Clive Totman
Author: Aidan Lewis
Photo credit: ©Clive Totman
Author: Aidan Lewis
Since launching in 2022, the Aldgate Connect Community Fund has helped to support some truly impactful community projects across Aldgate. The fund has provided vital funding and resources to a total of 11 projects, driving positive change to our local neighbourhood and communities. So far, the fund has benefited over 1,700 people across Aldgate. Here, we take a look back on just some of the achievements over the past two years.
The Dellow Centre, Providence Row
Aldgate Connect BID has had a long-standing relationship with Providence Row, a local organisation that tackles the root causes of homelessness. They assist people in times of crisis by providing them with immediate support, advice, food, and shower facilities. They also operate an outreach psychotherapy service, as well as training programmes to get people into employment. With Aldgate Connect’s funding contributions, the Providence Row team were able to give valuable assistance to their clients. This included getting 70 homeless clients onto their programme and supporting them through the Employability & Progression programme. This funding also helped 10 clients to complete accredited courses like Level 2 Food Hygiene, and the CCTV Security Course, as well as helping 25 people to complete Digital Skills and Financial Health courses.
Climate Symposium with David Game Higher Education
Based in Aldgate, David Game Higher Education (DGHE) is an independent college offering BTEC HND, Top-Up and Degree courses in a wide range of subjects. As part of the community fund, Aldgate Connect funded a three-day Climate Symposium Exhibition, designed for and open to the Aldgate Community. The three-day event allowed Art & Design students to showcase their work on sustainability and climate change. The symposium also welcomed guest speakers to explore subjects like everyday consumption patterns, landfill, and the rights of nature. This event was a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of climate issues and showcase how local communities can play a role in tackling them.
‘Creative Energy Clubs’ with Aldgate Solar Power
A collaborative project between local people and the City of London Corporation, Aldgate Solar Power (ASP) is the City of London’s first community-owned solar project. To date, the initiative has helped to install solar panels on three rooftops in the Middlesex Street Estate, with the electricity generated being sold back to the City of London Corporation and the profits being invested back into local community initiatives focused on climate change. To support this initiative, Aldgate Connect helped to fund a series of Creative Energy Clubs, encouraging local families to come and produce environmental-focused artwork whilst learning about the British energy system. This artwork is being turned into a book titled ‘A Fairer Way of Doing Energy’ and will help to raise awareness and support of the ASP project.
Employability Support with The Switch
Founded more than 30 years ago in Tower Hamlets, The Switch charity helps young people to achieve their potential through education and employment opportunities. The charity partners with leading corporates to help give young people work placement and volunteering opportunities, unlocking exciting career paths and routes into employment that might otherwise have been difficult to access. The BID helped to fund a series of CV workshops and mock interviews for local teenagers, helping to prepare them for employment. The sessions gave valuable guidance on CV improvements and assessment centre techniques to maximise the participants’ attractiveness to recruiters. These sessions also welcomed business partners from the likes of Bank of England, JP Morgan, and the Lloyd’s Insurance Market.
‘Climate Change Creativity’ with Accumulate
Accumulate supports people affected by homelessness, living in hostels, and those in temporary accommodation. Through art and creativity, Accumulate aims to remove educational barriers and open up learning opportunities to young adults across London. The BID was delighted to fund their Climate Change Creativity project, aimed at using creative education to support homeless individuals or those living in hostels. These creativity workshops gave participants a chance to take part in various arts & crafts workshops and were highly beneficial to all. One of the workshop participants was inspired to apply for the Accumulate Scholarship, a scheme that gives people access to a career in the creative industry.
These projects, supported by the Aldgate Connect BID Community Fund, have provided vital resource and support to the communities in Aldgate. The fund and its wide range of projects have had a hugely positive impact on local community members and groups, strengthening the sense of togetherness that exists within Aldgate whilst creating valuable outlets for those who need it most. The Aldgate Connect BID team has enjoyed working with an exciting mix of community initiatives, and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with key organisations in the future.
More news on our Community Fund plans for 2024 will be released shortly.