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Billing Leaflets – 20/21


Aldgate Connect is at the start of its first term as a full Business Improvement District. We are thrilled to be able to work with the community in this way supporting the local economy, businesses and the community as we live with and overcome the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

As the restrictions on the lockdown begin to lift, the BID will play a fundamental role in supporting the area and its recovery for business and mobilizing the workforce.  Therefore, your BID levy will be pivotal in supporting interventions that will support the business community, residential community and domestic market in building consumer confidence, educating/ providing guidance on compliance and social distancing. Public realm provides an opportunity to cater for more enhanced pedestrian space; cleanliness of spaces and monitoring on how people move around the area safely.  This will be further complemented through the promotion of activity to support mental health and wellbeing.

Please see below the legal overview of projecsts and expenditure. Please be in touch with the BID team if you wish to discuss anything whatsoever.

Zoe Barwick
BID Manager