‘Meet the Makers’ behind the Bunting Collective project! Back to previous

‘Meet the Makers’ behind the Bunting Collective project!


We are pleased to be a part of the Bunting Collective project and we love showcasing everyone involved in the making, hosting and the fun!

The Bunting Collective is a community project aimed at bringing vibrancy and colour to the Petticoat Lane Market by hanging community made bunting, using the materials and fabrics from the local fabric shops in the market.

The Aldgate Connect BID, City of London Corporation, and the Borough of Tower Hamlets are proud to present a ‘Meet the Maker’ series. The series is showcasing the makers of the bunting, who are all members of the community with a passion and love for the area!

Meet the Makers here:

  • Meet Anna van der Poorten herea community artist in Aldgate, who once worked with an artisit making giant poos!
  • Meet Jenny McKenzie herea local Arts Facilitator working in schools, museums and in the community.
  • Meet Aysha Tezgel herea City worker, who really enjoyed being able to craft in the sunshine!
  • Meet Susan Blackah here a designer & maker of unique fashion, who enjoys making clothing and accessories to make you stand out of the crowd!
  • Meet Esther Marie here part of the wonderful Lady Lane Market within the Petticoat Lane Market.
  • Meet Audrey herea local resident and market stall owner for Lady Lane Market!
  • Meet Nya herea 9 year old CEO, who loves to get creative!
  • Meet Louise herea local worker, who is now making face masks for friends and family as a result of the bunting project!

Take a look at some of the highlights below and keep an eye on our News Page and Social Media accounts (@AldgateBID) for the ‘Meet the Maker’ series now!

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