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Stories of Aldgate

Author: Aidan Lewis


Know someone who has an amazing story to tell? Or perhaps you know a local hero who needs their moment in the spotlight? Then make sure to you make a nomination to Stories of Aldgate!

Aldgate Connect BID is excited to collaborate with Heard Storytelling on this spoken storytelling project aimed at capturing and celebrating the rich history and vibrant community of Aldgate. This project will involve shining a light on local stories and local people, helping to showcase the incredible individuals who make Aldgate such an iconic corner of London. From local residents and workers, to key community figures, volunteers, or people who have made a positive impact on the local area – we want to hear from as many of you as possible!

How to enter

If you want to tell your story or nominate someone else, please email with the following information:

  • Your name or the name of the individual you wish to nominate
  • A short summary of why you/the individual should be chosen (max. 250 words)
  • Your preferred contact email and/or phone number

Deadline for submissions is Sunday 15th September 2024.