Winter Flu Vaccinations with Boots Aldgate Back to previous

Winter Flu Vaccinations with Boots Aldgate

Author: Izabella Kasinska


This flu season, Boots Aldgate will be offering a Flu Vaccination Service in their Aldgate pharmacy, for both public and corporate bookings. For the NHS Flu Jab criteria, please refer to

Public Bookings
Click here to book now to prepare for the flu season! Services start in September 2022.

Local Business Bookings 
Did you know symptoms of the flue can last over 5 days and spread to others for the same period of time. This can have an impact on your team and your business. Click here, to find out more.

Address: Boots Store, 88 Aldgate High Street, London, EC3N 1LH.

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday –  7.30am-7.30pm.